SCL s16r04 Sodom and Gamora

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Saalis_the_Second · 17

Armed to her teeth she hesitates, won't all the resources just slow me down?

I dragged two games to have a clean win and had Drang advance the main scheme in my last with 10, 7 and 6 turns. Overall surely not the best performing deck.

Since Drang doesn't have access to tough nor does he have piercing I put together pretty standard deck. I never played Helicarrier and Team-Building Exercise wasn't as useful as I hoped.

Had a good mileage of Rocket Raccoon and Drax even though I didn't include any ally upgrades. Angela was great for picking up Hydra Jet-Trooper before his Quickstrike or boost.

It helped that the minions only had 3 and 4 HP, Nebula minion came twice and it was too much.

From the market I took Hyper Thrusters which is just amazing and Armor Plating so I don't have to defend that often.

Hulk and Martinex mainly serve as HP boosters.