Space Knight Task Force

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Caldias · 1222


This deck is more theme than efficiency, but that isn't to say it doesn't work well. There are a couple small things that help Venom finish his mission.

We have the crew of the Milano as allies, most ranging between 3 and 2 resource cost, meaning most of the time we should be able to play them and also maybe play another card, thanks to Venom's resource generation ability.

For events, we have "Welcome Aboard", which will help us play these allies at reduced cost. They are basically double resources for allies, and we have a fair amount of them! Blaze of Glory is for when we really need to get some thwarting or damage done.

For Side Schemes, Call for Backup for getting an ally of your choice, which could be Gamora to grab an event, and Build Support helps you get you Knowhere and Guardians of the Galaxy online.

I left Energy out of the double resource party since this deck is already high on energy resources, and with Venom's resource generation, you don't necessarily need it.

For supports, Guardians of the Galaxy is there since this deck wants to Voltron allies, especially Yondu. And Knowhere will get some cards for us when our allies come in.

Upgrades are all about our allies. We want to play them to get value out of Guardians of the Galaxy, so Comms Implant, Inspired, and Laser Blaster all serve to beef up the allies until it's time to them to go back to the Milano to argue over who's turn it is to clean the common area. Laser Blaster also serves as a backstop so we don't run through our entire deck during the Armed and Ready setup.

The goal it to play allies, to play upgrades, to draw cards and shoot guns. What else could a Space Knight want?