Quips of the Spider Society

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

16 Nights Seeker · 135

With Great Power comes Great Quiping

Spider-Man is known for many things and one of those is definitely his ability to quip in the face of evil.

This deck kind of takes that in the form of Taunt, combines it with the Web-Warriors and Spidey's own kit to draw insane amounts of cards, while trying to cover his weaker thwarting potential.

I know what you're thinking "Eww, 42 cards!", but with the amount of cards Spidey (and this deck in particular draws) you won't even notice a chink in your consistency.

Let's break the deck down and get quipping.

The Spider Society and their honorary android and cat visitor

Aside from Kaine and the Ham, we're basically playing all Web-Warriors.

I don't think there was ever any doubt that Web-Warriors are good and they get to shine in this deck too.

Our only non-Web-Warrior allies are Jocasta and, of course, Black Cat.

With Taunt being one of the things we want to play and Backflip being a good card in general, we love playing Jocasta to get an extra Backflip out to save our Spider-tuchus from villains that can't take a joke. Trust me, the extra Backflip is a lot more value than the static Armored Vest.

In general, our allies cycle fast, often not staying longer than a turn, though you do build up some of them for big turns. We'll get to the Web-Warrior key cards in their own sections.

Now all of them are good and most we don't mind throwing in front of the angry villain either.

The exception is SP//dr as the ability to replay Peni every turn is too good to pass up on as Spidey has insanely good economy. Everyone else can go get hit by the angry Rhino, Goddess of Death or Sentinels. And Gwen when all the Backflips and Swinging Web Kicks are already in discard, not because she's the best or anything.

Quip Quip motherfluffer

Alright, let's go over the meat and potatoes of the deck.

Bait and Switch works insanely well for controlling the main once you're set up. It will trigger your Spider-Sense and you can throw one of our Web-Warrior friends in front of the attack to draw another card with Web of Life and Destiny and get +1 ATK from Warrior of the Great Web.

The same could almost be said for Taunt, except Spidey is so good at throwing those one-liners out that the villain will straight up ignore our Web-Warrior friends and come straight for us.

Luckily, we have tools in our kit to help us and set up some insane turns. Backflip is the obvious one, but our other inclusion is Desperate Defense as with out beefy 3 DEF on Spidey, defending for 5 is often more than enough to not take any damage and ready again. Not only that, but Taunt works extremely well with Webbed Up, though you won't likely play both in the same turn until the late game.

The dream scenario is playing two Taunts in a turn on a Webbed Up villain and then potentially a third that we defend with Backflip. Playing two Taunts in a turn is a real possibility, haven't had all 3 line up in my games yet though.

We're not heavy on the Defense cards, but between our Web-Warriors and these, we should be able to handle most attacks.

Sometimes we'll take one for the team, but Spidey can take it, especially with Aunt May around.

Across the Spider-Verse is fantastic as long as we have the resources and at least another Web-Warrior card in play. It's fine to get back Spider-UK or Spider-Man or Ghost-Spider from the discard as a discounted ally, basically. Once we've got the resources to be able to deploy 2 (or more) Web-Warriors in a single turn with it, things get real crazy.

Building the Web-Warrior Support line

Web of Life and Destiny is one of the central cards of the Web Warrior tribe and especially in this deck. It's crucial we get this out and that it stays out.

It's honestly the sole reason we run Build Support. Don't get me wrong, Build Support is amazing for anyone, but to us it's mostly a second copy of Web of Life and Destiny. Should it already be out, then it can still grab Quincarrier or Aunt May, but it becomes a lot lower priority to play in solo when you have Web of Life and Destiny out already.

Note: If you're playing with Cable, give him the Build Support and either take his Establish Perimeter or just go down to 41 cards, because Cable's able to get it out turn 1 and that is amazing, spectacular and all the other Spider-Man words.

Warrior of the Great Web is our other option to at least make us able to play our basic Web-Warriors, but other than that it's just a great way to pump up Spidey's attack. You'll often get at least a single trigger of it each turn at some point and at best it pumps Spidey's ATK enough to deal with extra annoying minions or just punch the villain for 5-6 damage.

Quincarrier and Ingenuity are just solid resource generators that should go in just about any Spidey deck, I'd say.

Last, but not least, Unflappable is not going to be triggered every single turn because your goal is not to defend with our own Spider-tuchus every turn. However, on the turns we Taunt+Backflip, we effectively draw 5 cards total with it as well. And it basically makes it so that whenever we do Backflip or use a Desperate Defense, we get some new cards out of the deal.

Do whatever a Spider can!

In short, this deck aims to make the most use of Spider-Sense and the Web Warriors who really want to be coming and going as often as possible.

Taunt gives Spidey at least 4 new cards at the cost of at most two or 1 card and a use of one of your four resource generators and we use our amazing Backflip and Desperate Defense to not worry about the consequences.

In order to control when our Web-Warriors leave play, we got Bait and Switch to help us thwart the main while reaping the benefits of them leaving play through Warrior of the Great Web, Web of Life and Destiny as well as their own effects.

Combined with these cards we can also make better use of Webbed Up, even though we're fine to let it pop naturally too in multiplayer.

At some point, you will however ask yourself, how you're possibly holding this many cards.

And then you'll draw some more.

Because that's what Spider-Man would want you to do.