

Costo: 1.

Azione Eroe: Il criminale ti attacca. Gli altri personaggi non possono difendere da questo attacco. Pesca 3 carte.

"Hey! Fido! Chi ti ha tolto il guinzaglio?" — Jubilee
Sebastián Guidobono
Angel #16.

Taunt is one of the most exciting new cards from Angel’s pack. It follows the same mold of some cards we’ve seen before like Bait and Switch and Toe to Toe, but draw 3 is by far the strongest ability of the bunch. This can enable an explosive early turn if your hero has some spare hp to soak up a hit and works especially well with heroes Spider-Man (Peter) and Drax, who draw a card when attacked. Colossus is another interesting hero who is swimming in tough statuses to block the attack and can use help with the small hero hand size. Look for opportunities like these to take advantage of Taunt since between the two resources to play it up front and any potential resources spent to block or stun the attack, you could be net down on resources. Be careful the hero you use and scenario you face (you probably don’t want Venom Goblin attacking more than he needs to be), but Taunt can be an excellent tool in the right deck and might spawn a new archetype entirely.

Stretch22 · 846
I feel like I'm missing something. Playing Taunt costs you 2 cards, and you draw 3. So you're drawing/cycling 1 card for the cost of being attacked by the villain. I don't think one card is worth it, if if the villain is stunned (losing a stun effect to gain 1 card). I guess the benefit is deck-thinning for heroes that want to see their identity cards as often as possible. — RabidHobbit · 11
You're exactly right, and as I mention if you spend more than 1 resource neutralizing the attack, you are actually down resources. That's why you need Spider-Man, Drax, or some other combo to make sure it's worth it — Stretch22 · 846
It's not just a matter of gaining one card. You're also trading a dead card in your hand (to pay for Taunt) to draw 3 new cards, one of which might actually be something you need. And you have an extra resource to help pay for something in your hand. This is especially useful for Colossus with his 4 card hand size. — eapfel · 1
I think a lot people miss this fact by reducing the cost just to the number of cards in trade off. When in fact most cards are dual purpose, so you're trading off a chance at better opportunity cost for more actions. The more cards you can play during a turn even if it's one more card, the better. In MC, card advantage is huge because of the duality of cards being both resources and actions. — DoxaLogos · 238
lost TACTIC — Makst · 1
What @eapfel said! Also there are villains that benefit form being attacked (bishop, spiderham, etc) — roselawn · 1
You have an interesting perspective on the card, I agree the resource efficiency could be a loss but I think the value of the card is allowing the villain to attack you on your turn. Protection has a lot of "if you take no damage from an attack do x". If X is removing game ending threat from a scheme or stunning the enemy so he doesn't attack your lower HP teammate can be extremely beneficial. Even something like being able to burn a counter punch or two during the player phase so you can see some new cards is great. I feel like protection decks can feel slow on the player phase especially if you play for interrupts and this card allows you to take meaningful actions on your turn. — jodys · 3
A bit late to the party, but I feel like the boost of drawing 3 cards on a 40 size deck game gets very ignored with comments like it's only +1 card in hand. — Selven · 1
I hit send by mistake, I don't see an option to edit. Drawing almost 10% of your deck in one action is broken if your plan is centered on either a specific set up or combo or spamming a specific card. For example, I like it for Angel, in order to see cards like Metamorphosis faster and more often, or to search for the technowings. Synergy with defending is obvious, but if you have access to retaliate, it's a better Toe to Toe, trading some damage for cards. It also gives more value to healing effects. Or to cards that get benefit from taking damage, like Wolverine berserker rage. It gives another opportunity to use a basic hero power to heroes with mediocre attack or intervention, Gwen is a perfect example of this. Then there are cards that trigger after the villain attacks or deals damage to you... It might not be an auto-include for all protection decks, but it's a card I always keep an eye out for — Selven · 1

Multiplayer Perspective: I’ve been stuck debating how good this card is since its release. The most common arguments for it are Hero synergies (Spiderman, Spiderham, Drax) and enabling the usage of defense cards on your own turn. These are good reasons to use the card but I think this card’s true strength lies in accelerating build-out.

The perfect defense strategy revolves around flooding your board with lots of key upgrades that trigger effects on the villain’s turn (Electrostatic armor, Dauntless, Hard to Ignore). These upgrades are incredibly cheap and efficient but it can take a full deck cycle to get them all out on board. Taunt helps you hit them faster via drawing 3 cards and giving you a reason to flip down. Flipping down will give you access to even more resources accelerating build-out further. Using this play style I’d argue Taunt’s synergy extends beyond the select few hero abilities, to any hero with impactful Upgrades, Supports, and Alter-Ego abilities.