Scarlet Witch New S Tier Build

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Tuark · 127

First off, yes this is a 42 card deck, don't freak out. Having a hand size of essentially 8 makes the two extra cards not a big deal. If you want to drop two cards probably Helicarrier, R&D Facility and Order and Chaos would be the best choices to choose from.

This deck takes advantage of getting free resources by using Call for Aid to get Digging Deep into your hand to pay for expensive cards like Symbiote Suit and Avengers Mansion . This synergizes nicely with Chaos Magic, which also lets you play these cards for free. When you hit Quicksilver or Black Panther you can either play them with Digging Deep or use the ally to play one of your high cost supports or upgrades. Essentially the first or second time through your deck get all your upgrades and supports in play, then start popping your two allies as much as possible.

R&D Facility can be used to buff Quicksilver or Scarlet Witch. Only use it on Scarlet Witch when you have Earth's Mightiest Heroes or Go All Out.

Summoning Spell is another combo that gets either of your allies for cheap. Black Panther can also be used to store either Summoning Spell or Call for Aid so you can keep bringing your allies out quickly. I keep Black Panther out and use him with Earth's Mightiest Heroes until I have the opportunity to play whatever event he has stored on him.

Symbiote Suit gives you the life pool you need to use Clarity of Purpose whenever you need to.

Symbiote Suit makes Go All Out worth 7 damage. When combo'd with R&D Facility it's 9 damage.

Down Time gives you the ability to get your health total back up fast since you might be burning it away with Clarity of Purpose.

If your facing a tough villain focus on putting out your Magic Shields.

Scarlet Witch is a high risk for high reward character and this deck takes that concept to the next level.

Oh, feel free to swap Go All Out for Push Ahead if you need more threat removal.