Spider-Ham - Pig in Spaaace!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


Ok, I'll admit I thought of the name of this deck first, and went from there.

So to theme the deck around space, I included lots of space-faring allies. I also added Beast because all of these allies ended up expensive and his ability to fish back out a double resource would be a big help paying for them.

I settled on a pretty classic ally strategy of getting them out, providing a few upgrades and then trying to keep them in play for a while. Spider-Ham is going to be taking most of the hits, popping to alter-ego to heal, and then flip back, hopefully using Ready to Rumble when he comes back. This will let the allies use themselves up and come back using Med Lab.

Clarity of Purpose is incredible for Spider-Ham, effectively generating two resources for one health.


(Solo) Standard Collector 2 w/Band of Badoon

(Solo) Standard Stryfe w/Zzzax, Operation Zero Tolerance