Phoenix with Psimitar and the Uncanny X-Men

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Billyboki · 51

[Ī¤HEME] Cable travelled throught time to tell Jean how to find Psimitar and inform her about the actions must be made to change the future. The Psimitar unleashed Jean's true power that have been previously being limited by Professor Xavier fearing the awakening of Dark Phoenix. Jean more confident than ever became the new leader of the X-Men and together they tried to change the sequence of events.

[INTRO] This deck is very strong and stable on solo expert mode.It's very versatile (can damage and thwart a lot) and works against villains with stalwart even with the Dark Phoenix out. Play 1-2 allies easily cause they are cheaper with Uncanny X-Men and Team-Building Exercise. Ready Phoenix with Utopia. Play psionic cards and activate the Psimitar. A lot of combos to enjoy. In this deck both Phoenix and her allies feel very strong.

This deck beat every villain from Next Evolution expansion on expert. Kang solo on expert. I'm very excited to try it on other villains. This deck is difficult to beat villains with Overkill like Ronan and Juggernaut.

[WHY PHOENIX ?] Phoenix can easily summon the 1 cost player side schemes with her wild extra resource and beat them with her 3 thwart. That gives her pretty fast build and a lot of control. Psimitar is great damage boost for her 13 other psionic cards.

[BUILD] You need the following Support/Upgrade cards by priority : (For Mulligan you need one of the above and an ally to defend.)

Uncanny X-Men (take it with Build Support if doesn't come)

Team-Building Exercise (for your 14 psionic and 10 X-Men cards)

Utopia (take it with Forge if doesn't come)

Rise from the Ashes (take it with Superpower Training, to survive the dark phoenix)

Psimitar (to boost your 13 psionic cards, wait to come)

Helicarrier[Can be replaced with Clarity of Purpose ] (wait to come)

The X-Jet (wait to come, leave it if you have Helicarrier for Forge to take as an extra card)

Now your allies are very cheap to play, they have +1 life and they turn on Utopia easier.

Utopia is perfect for Phoenix's either 3 attack or 3 thwart.

Storm can now move the +2 thwart to a player side scheme you don't need to win. That makes her thwart to 4.

Pixie calls another ally (Forge, Beast for the extra card, Professor X for the ready, Cyclops for the resources or transform, Colossus for the Tough)

Psychic Kicker can now Kicks without killing your allies because they have +1 life.

The Power of the Mind is a great resource for your 11 Psionic Cards of 2+ cost.

Call for Backup calls Beast that brings a double resource card and helps you play another card.

I think this deck can play also on multiplayer with other ally based decks (like Spiderham's Spiderverse deck) because psychic kicker can also be applied if i am correct to other player's allies.

Hope you have fun with this build, any feedback is welcome.


Oct 07, 2023 Billyboki · 51

You can remove Helicarrier and add Telekinesis or Telepathy depending what you want to do.