Red CAPS Colossus

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

GrootForPresident · 28


Red is for Aggression and CAPS is an acronym for...

  • Confuse:
    • I like confusing in Colossus so I can "safely" flip down for a bigger draw and/or to get tough on the flip back up. Obviously more difficult against Steady Villains and worthless against Stalwart ones.
    • Professor X
    • Psylocke
    • Steel Fist
  • Allies:
    • 10 allies give you plenty of chump blockers to help maintain your Toughs or give you time to build your board. Many of them do some work too, and they'll do a lot of your Thwarting.
    • Forge searches for Utopia or The X-Jet, making them ideal for opening-hand mulligans.
    • Ironheart draws
    • Magik gets rid of a minion (hopefully) and has 2 ATK
    • Marvel Boy can get Piercing
    • Mockingbird stuns
    • The Professor and Psylocke confuse
    • Shadowcat bypasses guard, patrol, and Crisis icons
    • Wolverine pierces and heals
  • Piercing:
    • Tough on enemies is a tempo hit, so I've included some piercing to lessen that...
    • Marvel Boy
    • Wolverine
    • Piercing Strike: 3ER for 3 damage isn't efficient, but when facing a minion (Juggernaut for example) or villain (Master Mold, although he really sucks because he's Stalwart) with Toughness it's definitely worth it.
  • Stun:
    • Stun is another way to conserve your Though status cards. Again, more difficult against Steady Villains and worthless against Stalwart ones.
    • Mockingbird
    • Steel Fist

Superpower Training

Iron Will is so crucial to Colossus! Superpower Training will find if you don't have it, or Organic Steel if you do. If you have both get Titanium Muscles.


  • Your allies will do a lot of your thwarting
  • Iron Will lets you Thwart at 2 when needed
  • Armor Up is effectively thwarting, since the Villain won't actually get to Scheme
  • Into the Fray can remove chunks of threat from the Main Scheme.


You'll get an Organic Steel on Setup, which is nice, but your major mulligan priorities are Iron Will and Bulletproof Protector. I'll mulligan everything else away (including an Organic Steel) to get these. Bulletproof Protector isn't AS important, but if you have Iron Will out when you play it, it replaces itself.


Aug 28, 2023 SoloMarvelChampion · 1347

With all the Stun and Confuse you look to be doing, have you considered Press the Advantage instead of Piercing Strike? I know Tough status's are a pain, but you have other options for that, and you can pay for Press the Advantage with Martial Prowess (or with Titanium Muscles if you only have 1 Tough), and drawing to replace it helps!

Aug 28, 2023 GrootForPresident · 28

@SoloMarvelChampion ummm, NO! I was focused on Piercing and didn't think about Press the Advantage haha!