George Stacy is Logan's Guy in the Chair

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

josseroo · 702

This deck is another take on my Wolverine + 3x Game Time burst-damage Ms Marvel deck. Ghost-Spider doesn't need to flip to give George Stacy copies of Game Time, whereas Ms Marvel does need to flip to give Bruno Carrelli his copies so this one is applicable to a wider range of scenarios. The trade-off is that George Stacy is a bit fragile thanks to Worried Father

Wolverine can't be his own guy in the chair, so somehow Gwen roped her dad into the job.


We're trying to get Wolverine up to ATK = 6 while having George Stacy hold three copies of Game Time so that he can unleash for 24 damage in one turn. Add a couple of Ghost-Spider attacks, a Ghost Kick and some Boot Camp boosted allies to get another dozen or so damage. You can also get Professor X to provide one additional Wolverine ready to bring him up to 30 damage in a turn.

Until you unleash with Wolverine, he acts like a Beat Cop with benefits (when the benefit is on-demand minion control like Energy Channel).


  • On the first pass prioritize getting Wolverine and a couple of resource generators down (Web-Bracelet and Web of Life and Destiny being the cheapest).
  • Between waiting out Worried Father and being able to pull him out with Parental Guidance, you can be patient in getting George Stacy out.
  • Finally, you can get the rest of your combo pieces out and your copies of Game Time stashed safely with your dad.
  • You might not need Wolverine's fully-loaded combo. Don't sit on those copies of Game Time when Worried Father is still in the encounter deck. Use them to help you control the board. Wolverine's health is a resource.

Testing scenarios

  • Lost twice against the Critical Encounters challenge Blazing Inferno on Expert II (video) and then won once on Expert I (video) in a somewhat sloppy game.
  • Defeated, three times (video for one), Expert Project Wideawake with default modular sets, but with the State of Emergency modular replacing Abduction Protocols (thanks to Journeyman2 for this idea with Taskmaster) and Hot Pursuit replacing the initial Mutant at the Mall side scheme. Whenever anything would pull out a copy of Abduction Protocols I would instead search for a copy of one of the side schemes from State of Emergency.