Gambit's Tough Mutant Protectors

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Clandestine Cajun - Sneak Attack Gambit 15 11 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Cuacuani · 51

I'm a thief when all else fails...and all else failed

Ole Gambit don't pay full price. And neither should you. The goal of this deck is to cheat allies into play for less than they should cost.

Mutant Protectors is the key card. When attacked, you can play any X-men ally at a cost of 2. That is 1 for Mutant Protectors and then Mutant Protectors itself.

Of course, Mutant Protectors puts the ally into play defending and given that villains can often be attacking for enough to take out an ally in one shot, this would often be less efficient than playing the ally and using it to attack or thwart and then defend once it has taken consequential damage. But what if we could guarantee the ally would survive the attack? What if we used X-men with Toughness?

This is the answer to 'why Gambit'? Rogue has Toughness and playing as Gambit rather than Colossus allows the use of the Colossus ally. Then it's just a case of ramming every Tough Protection X-men ally into the deck. Of which there is 1. Armor. Who already costs 2. Thankfully Polaris can target herself. Rockslide has a load of hit points and Protective Training can boost that load further. Indeed, Protective Training can be used on all of the allies to keep them around and blocking once their Tough cards have gone.

Nightcrawler is probably the first to go once Warpath is released.

Cerebro, X-Mansion and Utopia all support the ally-based nature of the deck as does Hangar Bay.

X-Men Instruction helps recurr allies once they're gone and if the deck is going to sometimes be flipping to Alter-Ego it makes sense for Moira MacTaggert to be present to give Gambit another card. Defensive Training brings back Mutant Protectors.

Speaking of cards, Plan B feels like it should be present in any Gambit deck - is there anything more thematic than throwing cards at the villain?