Brains and Brawn

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ChocoboBai · 1139


Bruce finally has some lab partners since the X-Men arrived to Champions. Professor X and Beast fill in two key roles that were missing - access to confuse and searchable resources. I had this built for a while and managed to get around to testing it out - it was actually smoother than I expected and quite fun.


With such excellent scientists on board, the lab has managed to secure plenty of funding. That should give you enough resources to actually play Hulk's cards. By including The Power in All of Us and leaning a bit more towards basic cards it should allow you to get one or two resource generating supports/upgrades very quickly.

There are many resources available, but they do have restrictions. Limitless Strength can only be played in hero form, the copy of Meditation requires you to exhaust (and can't play Quincarrier), and The Power in All of Us does not work for the leadership cards. This problem is helped by Beast being able to search for the resource you need, and the card draw from Moon Girl or Nick Fury.


They're gonna be working overtime - the other part of the deck is to simply recur your allies with Rapid Response, Make the Call, or Med Lab. It is best to keep Beast alive until you have some way of getting him back. I find either Make the Call or Med Lab / Pixie work best for getting Professor X. For Med Lab you usually want to use it with Pixie.

The allies are also your main way of thwarting, Adam Warlock gives great value by pitching .


Unfortunately the lab has become a target for vandals, but there was no budget in the funding proposals for security. The scientists can deal with it during their breaks.

With your high hit points you can afford to take hits. This means that minions are usually not much of a problem, even if you cannot deal with them straight away. Being able to leave a few out and clearing them up at once with a Thunderclap works well. Getting Immovable Object really helps to wear them down. You should have chances to recover too.


To start out you ideally want to get a hand that allows you to play an ally and at least 1 resource generator, so mulligan with that in mind. Being able to play one of Nick Fury, Beast, or Moon Girl should allow you to do this.

After that it is a matter of building up more resources, keeping Beast / Professor X available, and using Hulk Smash when you have the chance. Generally it is important to plan out how you will spend your resources each turn and when (or if) to flip.


The deck was quite fun to play and gave more interesting decisions than I expected. I feel that it would do ok in most scenarios, but will probably struggle against villains with stalwart. Maybe you can spam Professor X enough times to deal with them anyway! Hope you have fun with the deck.


Aug 02, 2023 ChocoboBai · 1139

After a few more games I would recommend adding White Tiger and a 3rd copy of Rapid Response. It takes it to 42 cards, but it is worth it.