
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ClassyRobot · 5349


Show off your best dance moves as you rush down the villain as quickly as the legendary hero Kevin Bacon! I’m pretty sure that’s what he did in footloose…

Clobber is my new best friend with Peter. Similar to Wolverine,, the ability to play it for free is so so nice for these two that can do it. Wolverine takes a small amount of damage, where Star Lord gets an encounter card when using your “What could go wrong?”

“I’m turning it loose!”

Oh yea. We’re using that for a card under 3 cost! Why? Partially because my brain is broken waiting for more content, but also…

Clobber can become a free resource for Element Gun, beating out the Axe-Men deck by one for the combo (5 for Logan for 1er vs 6 for Peter) while still being able to play any 3 cost card you want.

That means that a simple turn 2 on of a Clobber and Sliding Shot in hand you are doing 13 for minimal effort plus your basic (Clobber 3 + Element Gun 3 + Slip n’ slide 7).

“Everybody cut, everybody cut”

Clobber also helps power up Fluid Motion for those readying turns, giving you access to Blaze of Glory damage or better with Combat Training on demand. I found the third Fluid Motion excessive, as you’ll more than likely max out at two attack events a round. The big damage comes from your consistent double digit events together.

No Energy Spear here as allies are there to block and do what they can while they’re on board. They won’t last long. Although Thor with an Energy Spear is just chef’s kiss. The one cost events help with Fluid Motion and provide roughly the same effect as the Spears with how quick the allies drop.

This deck is best paired with someone who can keep Star Lord alive while he cuts loose. Protection and status effects are great partners on the dance floor.

Impede can do a similar combo for Lemon Lord (justice) but I’ll dive more into that deck idea once I work on my gambling problem I mean stop rushing down the villain with this deck!

Thanks for checking this out!