Thor's Leadership Skill

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

KakitaJamie · 327

LCG Discord Card Spotlight

Goal to build a deck that features the current spotlit card: Leadership Skill.

Leadership Skill is 2 Effective cost for 3 THW or ATK compared to most Attack and Thwart Events is a well costed card. Its also versatile that it can provide both ATK and THW. Downside is it only comes off of allies and over 3 uses of allies.

To really take advantage of this small boost we need to look at allies that gain something in addition their basic attack. In Leadership, the choices aren't very big: Beta Ray Bill, Rocket Raccoon, & Snowguard. There is also Laser Blaster for Guardian allies.

Leadership lacking effective ways to get minions (or side schemes) down makes the multi-aspect heroes better for this card. However there is one Hero who effectively pulls minions as well: Thor.


The Plan


Rocket Raccoon - Not much to say here other than he comes with 4 ATK vs Minions and gets overkill without other cards. Leadership Skill isn't wasted on anything he does. Also having 2 THW is pretty good. Unfortunately, the only way to get him down is Make the Call but he's worth it for this deck.

Snowguard - The most versatile option. 3 ATK and overkill is Rocket Raccoon light but her 3 ATK works on the Villian. 3 THW is great if you need the extra THW. 5 HP and Retaliate is great when Defender of the Nine Realms or a random Minion may not always line up when you want them.

Beta Ray Bill - While he lacks Overkill, his extra threat removal triggers off of killing a minion. Tack on the fact that 3 damage for 1 consequential is just good by itself.

Heimdall - He's just here because of The Bifrost.

Lady Sif - Is required obviously and not a bad ally to get via The Bifrost.

Make the Call - 3 more copies of all of my allies and the only way to play Rocket Raccoon.

Rapid Response - The ally costs are high, making this card worth it to make them last and not have to pay the high costs again. This also makes Heimdall and Lady Sif even better as The Bifrost includes since they will trigger again.


Leadership Skill - The goal to build around. Great for getting Beta Ray Bill a kill, pumping some Overkill into the Villian, or getting to that side scheme threat clear more efficiently.

Effective Leadership - Nice little one time buff that you can also use for Lightning Strike or R&D Facility payment requirements.

R&D Facility - More expensive than Leadership Skill but not restricted to one in play.


R&D Facility - This card is expensive and probably won't see play until later in the game.

Effective Leadership - Without ready effects this is just ok.

Heimdall - You might want a cheap ally here that you're more willing to throw in front of the Villain.


Laser Blaster - If I was building this more as a Voltron deck with Yondu (& other allies that can avoid consequential damage) I'd probably include this card. The fact that I have Overkill effects without it, negates the need for this card.

Command Team - If Leadership Skill was until end of phase this would be the inclusion.