
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

daviohead · 2

One of the cards that really stood out for me from the Hulk pack was Resourceful. So I got to thinking about who could best use it (and how, for that matter). The one clear winner in my opinion is Thor on several fronts:

  • Initially modest hand size can be offset by spending a resource from God of Thunder/ Helicarrier/Quincarrier and build up for those big turns that he is known for
  • Can be saved up for a mighty Lightning Strike on demand
  • Useful for resource triggers such as Jarnbjorn, 3 cost cards when played with any double resource cards
  • There are enough decent cheap cards from aggression that he can utilize - Mean Swing, Skilled Strike, Get Over Here! that mean you don't necessarily have to run The Power of Aggression, and it always feels so bad paying for build pieces with these free cards, sacrificing 2 damage in the early game when control is key.

So here's my latest Thor deck, based on this thinking


Aug 17, 2020 celric · 441

I love this idea. Along with Quincarrier, you have a lot of on-demand wild resources for Lightning Strike.

The other place that flexibility would benefit you is Jarnbjorn. You mention that, but didn't include it. Why?

If you're not going to include it, I find it hard to believe this performs better than just including cards that actually do something (like Relentless Assault) and give you more choices during your turn.

Aug 17, 2020 daviohead · 2

@celricthanks for your comment! This particular build is just a first sketch - I've omitted Jarnbjorn as I felt like it's not essential and this is more of a focused build rather than . Relentless Assault is a good shout, definitely, and one I may include in the next iteration.