Toe to Toe with the X-Men

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Spider Coin, Spider Coin, Buys Whatever Peter Wants 33 23 4 1.0

KingOfRohan · 4916

This deck utilizes incredible allies and roaring economy to allow Spider-Man to do what he really wants to do: go Toe to Toe with the villain and their minions.

Psylocke and Professor X are amazing additions to Spider-Man Toe to Toe-focused Aggression, allowing you to comfortably flip to alter-ego for Peter's Scientist resource and to heal up with Aunt May.


Apr 08, 2023 Man-is-Obsolete · 5111

I pulled this deck one night because I was looking for a Spidey deck that had Toe to Toe and Moon Girl and I had such a blast I have now returned to this multiple times. Great deck!