Gambit - Big Pinging

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Spliff · 665

This Gambit deck is all about attack events. You can power up your attack cards by using Aggressive Energy and Warrior Skill.

To help this out I’ve included events that can damage more than one target. Melee and One by One are the big included along with his own Royal Flush.

X-Gene will help you with his Hero events, and don’t forget to build up those charges for big splashy Attacks!

Fusillade may look weird here, but once you get out Gambit's Staff it’s a beast.

Because the deck is loaded with Attack Events you can rely on blocking with your Def against attacks. And just in case you don’t have to Combat Training gets in that but if extra damage.

Allies included because they’re the bomb.

*Will be trimmed down to 40 after several games once I know what to cut. Probably at least one Warrior Skill but I’ll have to see what feels good.