Solo League Week 1 - Thor Justice Aggro

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SC0E · 488

Built specifically for Week 1 of the Solo Champions League (

Want to beat Rhino (standard) + Masters of Evil in 4 turns, sometimes 3, with Thor Justice? Then you're in the right place!

Basically, note that a Hammer Throw plus 2 Mjonir'd basic attacks will kill Rhino stage 1, and the same plus 1 damage from any other source can kill Rhino stage 2. This is why you can consistently kill him in 4 rounds by doing almost nothing besides drawing 2 of your 3 Hammer Throws. Everything in the deck is meant to fill in the gaps when you don't draw Hammer Throw or otherwise tech about your niche loss conditions. Always mulligan and discard aggressively for Hammer Throw, and try to avoid ever discarding it.

If you never go into Alter-Ego he'll never scheme except for Advance, and Advance will only add a maximum of 3 threat at a time so you won't even lose to that until after turn 4. You have plenty of health and are rather unlikely to die before then, but even so there are some survivability tools (and chump blockers) in the deck if you really need them.

Damage Dealers: Chiefly Hammer Throw but also Stealth Strike and Haymaker, also your cheapish 2-atk allies Jessica Jones and Quake and Nick Fury also serve this purpose. Nick Fury is especially nice because he digs you deeper to your next Hammer Throw. All your double-resource cards exist to make playing these easier. Keep in mind that Mjolnir is necessary to boost your basic atk and enable Hammer Throw, don't discard it. (One game i temporarily lost it to Caught Off Guard but was able to spend a turn in alter-ego as described below in order to get it back and still cook Rhino in 4.)

Don't lose to damage: Mockingbird and Invulnerability prevent random Charge deaths, and Endurance is a cheap way to potentially last an additional turn.

Don't lose to threat: you won't, as mentioned above, but even if something goes disastrously wrong, a single Counterintelligence or Under Surveillance should be enough to allow you a safe turn in alter-ego (after which you should be able to flip right back and finish him off). You even might have Foiled! in your hand if he does draw Advance.

Nothing Rhino does really affects you, ignore minions and side schemes unless their existence means you lose. Even his most impactful cards against this game plan (probably Hydra Mercenary, "I'm Tough", and Armored Rhino Suit) do nothing more than delay you to 4 turns instead of 3. Maybe if you draw 2 of them you'd have to take as long as 5 turns.

Have fun! I hope we see you in the League, I know you can hop in at any time. In the meantime, I'm going to find out if Hulk can make this "aggro" playstyle viable at higher difficulties...