Phoenix is a Thwarting Machine

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Phoenix and the Danger Room + Cerebro Thwarting Machine 374 309 21 2.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Shuper · 7

Multiplayer version used with Wolverine Aggression Deck.

Trimmed some of the higher cost cards from the original version to make it flow better.

Keep 2 tokens on Phoenix Force A until ready for push to end game physically using Phoenix Firebird and White Hot Room.

Use Chance Encounter to find Forge, then get support cards out using Forge, Team-Building Exercise, Meditation and The Power in All of Us. Once you have your support cards out then transition to mid-game where your allies are key.

Use Mutant Peacekeepers to thwart without damaging your allies.

Keep your allies alive with X-Mansion, Mission Training.