3 Player Heroic Series - Core Campaign - Quicksilver

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

A Platypus Plumber · 86

My group and I recently decided to try completing all the campaigns on heroic. We just finished the core campaign and I thought it would be cool to share the heroes and decks we used to complete each campaign. This is the start of that journey so when we finish each Campaign I will post more decks.

Spider-Man (Leadership) Deck

Doctor Strange (Protection) Deck

Quicksilver (Aggression) Deck

The general game plan was to have the villain stunned and confused every round, blocking an attack and the Scheme activation on Miles. Miles can get massive reward from starting the turn in alter-ego while Doctor Strange and Quicksilver stay in hero to keep threat level down. With Venom Blast, Spider Camouflage and the Invocation Deck you should have no problem getting at least a stun on the villain each round. That being said, the team doesn't have a specific "heavy thwarter" because for most the game the villain won't be scheming, however, all three heroes can do some good burst thwarting if they need to.


As Quicksilver, your goal is to do damage. Wow, crazy. You are going to want to kill any minions in play and keep your team advancing to the victory. Buff your attack, hit as much as you can, and use Overkill and Moment of Triumph when you need them. Symbiote Suit is pretty risky for most characters but the buffs it gives Quicksilver are very much worth it. During the Villain Phase, your free defense can be useful in certain situations but Doctor Strange will have it covered most of the time.


Helicarrier, Deft Focus, and Friction Resistance all should be played early to start getting buffs and readies without losing other cards.

Blade is the cheapest avenger in the game and he doesn't take consequential damage from attacking or thwarting. Use him to exhaust for Earth's Mightiest Heroes or you can use his basic power if you have an extra in your hand.

Battle Fury, Always Be Running, Earth's Mightiest Heroes. These are your "ready" cards. Most of the time, more lower-damage basic attacks is will be better then less high-damage basic attacks.

Moment of Triumph. Use Marked or Hand Cannon to get the most out of your excess damage and then heal from it with Moment of Triumph.

First Aidshould be used on you or Miles' Iron Man.

Warrior Skill. I'm under the impression this works for Basic attacks so if you need extra damage on specific attacks this card is there. (Although 3 copies is probably too many).

Symbiote Suit, Combat Training, Accelerated Reflex, Hyper Perception, Reinforced Sinew. You should play Combat Training and Symbiote Suit as early as possible but for most scenarios you will want to play all of these.

Honorary Avenger should be played on Pinpoint so she can get Sky Cycle. For Quicksilver shuffling Hand Canon or Battle Fury are the best options to shuffle into your deck.