Spider-Woman-UK is in the Hangar Bay

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Ready the Hangar Bay! 1 0 4 1.0

KakitaJamie · 327

LCG Discord Card Spotlight

Goal is to build a deck that features the current spotlit card: Hangar Bay

If you're part of Solo Champions League or listen to Road to Knowhere Podcast for the Season 13 Round 2 of SCL, then you may be familiar with one of the Protection Ghost-Spider decks (By Gondo) featuring Hangar Bay + Spider-UK as a means to machine gun down the minions in that scenario. Because Spider-UK's ability is an Interrupt, it takes place before the Enemy gets it's attack. For minions below his damage threshold that guarantees a kill with no damage to Spider-UK.

What about the Villain though?

Spider-UK has a decent amount of Hit Points at 5 but a lot Villains will kill him after the attack is done. Enter Ready for Action, Muster Courage, and Make the Call. Ready for Action/Muster Courage means that I can defend the Villain with Spider-UK without losing Spider-UK to damage. Make the Call I can just replay Spider-UK after he eats a Villain attack.

So now we need to enable Spider-UK to maximize damage with a Web-Warriors build.

Thankfully while Spider-Woman isn't a Web-Warrior we have many ways enable Web-Warriors:

The perfect Combo scenario -

You have the Villain in play with 1 Minion. You have Spider-UK and Hangar Bay in play. Play Ready for Action to give Spider-UK Tough. Villain Phase you defend the Villain with Spider-UK dealing it 6 Damage. Villain damage is taken up by the Tough on Spider-UK. Ready Spider-UK with Hangar Bay. Minion attacks and you defend with Spider-UK, dealing it 6 Damage. Hopefully you kill the minion with the damage as most minions top out at 6 Health. Even still, Spider-UK has 5 Hit Points and should survive at least one minion attack from most minions. Repeat.

Is this a Hangar Bay deck or a Spider-UK deck?

You don't really need Hangar Bay for this deck to be good. In fact this is probably more a Spider-UK deck than a Hangar Bay deck. I would say that this is a deck where Hangar Bay shines more than a deck focused on it.

  • Even if it is in play with Spider-UK and there are no minions, it does get extra use in a Villain phase if the encounter deck triggers an extra attack. Up to12 Damage in a single Villian phase is sweet.
  • If you don't have Spider-UK, you can still put a Tough status on an Ally to defend, not take damage, AND get an activation out of that ally on the player turn. Remember, this is still a Web-Warriors deck and we want to activate our allies.
  • You can combine the above scenarios too where a non-Spider-UK ally has a tough to eat the Villain attack and then defends an encounter attack.


  • Priority 1 Spider-UK, he enables Web-Warriors and is your primary combo piece.
  • Priority 2 If you didn't get Spider-UK, a different way to enable Web-Warriors

Discussion around Card Choice:


Jun 06, 2024 adsarf · 440

Hi @kakitaJamie, just popping by to say that I built a deck very heavily 'inspired' by your combo of Spider-UK, Hangar Bay, and Ready for Action. Many thanks for coming up with this idea.

Jun 06, 2024 KakitaJamie · 327

@adsarf thanks for the compliment. Took a look at your build and enjoyed the Noir addition. i would definitely trim on Power Of resources for scenario specific cards. With modern card pool additions, there are a lot of great card to fill the void too.