Spider-Man SCL Season 13/4 concept

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


I'll have to play this one to see how it turns out.

The concept is to get out cards that can absorb Sandman's indirect damage without requiring Miles to exhaust, leaving him free to do damage.

Forcefield Generator and Energy Barrier can soak damage and then, once they are reduced to 1 hp, be discarded using Repurpose to boost Miles' stats.Protector can have one damage assigned to her anytime you have a mental or wild resource to use to negate it. Polaris can negate one entire hit.

Tag Teaming Spider-Tingle and Spider-Man Noir can eliminate treachery cards and power up Noir, who, along with Protector, Polaris, and Peter Parker, all can be exhausted to remove sand counters effectively.

Pinpoint can keep funneling your allies and upgrades back into your deck to use again.

Everyday Hero cards are including for the odd bit of healing but mainly to be a wild resource to help power cards with specific resource requirements.

My worries with this deck is how it will fare against the significant number of minions in this scenario. I will have to play and how well I can shunt them off to focus on bringing down Sandman.