Restraining Order - A She-Hulk Control Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Elhannan · 288

I recently jumped into a three-player game with friends testing decks with aspects overlapping my prebuilt choices, and so I threw together a fun-sounding She-Hulk deck with my current favourites - the new Protection cards. Turns out, it's pretty darned good.

Ms. Walters can deal damage just fine on her own and has an impressive health pool, so working in Protection is a strong fit. This deck, however, passes on most of the common mitigation/response cards to focus on controlling the villain.

Preemptive Strike - I almost wonder how this card got out of testing, it is so stupidly good. A total damage swing of double the boost value of one encounter card is worth taking Protection for alone. If you haven't yet tried this card, especially with higher-difficulty encounter modules, just go do it.

Tackle - the other major control tool in this build. She-Hulk already has some excellent on-demand stuns with Superhuman Strength, so we simply extend that role in the deck. Use liberally.

Energy Barrier - This is the combo that made me want to try this deck. With the barrier in play, use Focused Rage to draw one card and deal a damage to an enemy of your choice. It makes me happy.

Oh, all right, you can use it for actual damage mitigation too. Fine.

Enhanced Awareness and Enhanced Reflexes are, I feel, the new signature She-Hulk cards. Playing cards from a 4-card hand in hero form can be tricky, these additional resources make Gamma Slam and high-cost allies reliable to play. They're also awesome when paying for the Protection event card suite, keeping your hand intact for next turn whilst still playing interrupts.

I feel it might be a little obvious, but this is not a solo deck - you need friends to thwart, frankly. But in a group, it's an excellent self-sufficient damage and support presence.


Dec 02, 2020 galmr · 1

Used this in a 3-player game against Crossbones. Worked pretty well, up until the point he thrashed us ruthlessly.

You can't have two Avengers Mansions though. We subbed in a Hellicarrier to make it valid.

Apr 25, 2021 TentaclePentacle · 1

@galmr Just in case it comes up from someone else reading later. You can have two Mansions in the deck so that you draw one faster. You just can't have two in play at the same time.