Fully Energized (MCM Secret Santa 2022)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MegiDolaDyne · 5417

This was a deck I built for KennedyHawk and MCM's Secret Santa deck exchange. I was asked to make a fun multiplayer deck for Iron Man, and I couldn't decide what to build for him so I made two different lists, one Repurpose list and one Justice list.

Repurpose with Iron Man is almost self-explanatory. He loves tech and he has a free ready every turn with Arc Reactor, so he can get extra mileage out of the stat boost. Beyond that, almost every card in this deck has an energy resource to help ensure high damage Repulsor Blast. The only cards we've added without energy are our resource cards, which help us set up faster, plus Quincarrier and Ingenuity which allow us to consistently go Aerial every turn without having to draw into a mental resource, of which we have very few. In addition, we also have the Med-Team and Martyr combo which can provide a lot of defense, even if it's maybe a bit slow. We're also pretty happy to use Med Team with the powerful Snowguard, or to heal other players' allies.

Once again, thanks to KennedyHawk for running this event.