Iron Judge of Dread

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Wooddawg · 1

I tested this deck solo vs Green Goblin and Ultron and was able to beat both quite handily. I also tested it against Crossbones and took a few tries so villains like him may be easier in multiplayer.

Iron Man likes to have a little bit of breathing room to get his suit built so getting an ally or two out early will be very useful. Snowguard is an extremely versatile ally to have. I will usually use him for threat removal in the building phase and then for damage later when he cycles back through the deck. Don't be afraid to cycle through the deck quickly using Tony Stark's ability to help search through the deck since that is exactly what you want to do to get as many tech upgrades on the table as possible.

Top upgrades to not let pass by are Arc Reactor, Mark V Armor, at least one Rocket Boots, and Ingenuity.

You should be able to get Iron Man to a hand size of 4 quickly so you can flip to hero side as needed, deal with threat, and then flip back to alter-ego to continue building. Once you get 4 tech upgrades out you will only need to flip back to alter-ego if you need to heal. Having Down Time will allow you to regain 10 HP in one flip if timed correctly. (heal at end of one turn then at the beginning of the next)

As mentioned before your allies will be there to help as needed, but Iron Man will be doing the bulk of the lifting. Using Heroic Intuition and Arc Reactor he will be thwarting for 6 per turn with an assist from Mark V Helmet for an additional at least 1. Thanks to Ingenuity you will have the Aerial Trait every turn allowing you to use Agile Flight and Yaw and Roll. You will also have Sonic Rifle and Foiled! At your disposal if you or a teammate are going to be in alter-ego to confuse the villain or nullify boost icons for scheming.

Then when your finished toying with the villain you can unleash Iron Man's wraith with Powered Gauntlets (4 damage every turn), Repulsor Blast with the potential to do 12 damage. (although I've done 2 with it before lol) and Supersonic Punch with a reliable 8 damage.

If you are like me and enjoy having a ton of cards on the table to combo with, then you will have a great time being The Iron Judge of Justice.