SP//dr Suit - Symbiote Go All Out/Push Ahead

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


This deck is set up to deal massive attacks/thwarts using Go All Out and Push Ahead.

With Morale Boost and Symbiote Suit, you can set SP//DR's base ATK, THW and DEF to 4 each. This enables Go All Out and Push Ahead to do 12 damage or thwart, respectively. If you are able to use Host Spider or Limitless Stamina to ready, you are looking at 15 damage or thwart before adding in more from other sources such as allies, Web-Fluid Compressor, or Psychic Link.

Black Panther will allow you to set up the combo and pull it off when needed, freeing up hand space for the cards needed to pay for it.Leadership Training will help keep the big cards in your deck for use.


Thanos - Standard, Solo - Zzax, Future Past