Ms. Kek

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BlueSapphyre · 7

The deck is built around taking advantage of Red Dagger. Get him Inspired and an Honorary Avenger, and you got a machine gun with Avengers Assemble! and Get Ready. Boost him up with the aforementioned Inspired and Avengers Assemble!, along with Lead from the Front. Give yourself a Morale Boost and you can convert Red Dagger's stats to yours with Teamwork and you're hitting hard also. And when Red Dagger eventually dies, you can revenge kill on small minions with his active or save him with Rapid Response if you can't trigger his active. Strength In Numbers turns Red Dagger into a card draw. While waiting for Red Dagger to show up, you can spam Wiggle Room with your active buying you some time and drawing cards, and Invulnerability buys you even more time for Red Dagger to show up. Espionage gives more card draw, if you're a spy. And The Sorcerer Supreme allows you to dig through your deck faster, if you're a mystic. And once you become an Avenger, you get mana acceleration with Quincarrier.


Aug 02, 2020 Cogahan · 39

Uhh, dude? How do you become Mystic?