Ant-Man, Giant-Man and the Wasp

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Maxx · 1

Ideally the goal is to get Ant-Man or Giant-Man out with Call for Aid on the first turn, second best is getting Avengers Mansion, or Ingenuity so you can play a Giant-Man from Hero form. Mulligan aggressively to get the max chance of this, the only cards I would consider keeping if you don't get Ant-Man, Giant-Man or Call for Aid would be Avengers Mansion and Ingenuity. Drop even Energy, Genius and Strength to max the chance of this working. Gradually build them up with Inspired and Power Gloves to get extreme value out of First Aid and Inspiring Presence but these will actually be good value just on an unupgraded Ant-Man or Giant-Man.

Once set up cycle First Aid and Ingenuity repeatedly into the deck alongside Make the Call using G.I.R.L and use Moon Girl,Maria Hill, Nick Fury and Mockingbird repeatedly as blockers using Make the Call to stay alive.