Logistician Widow - Blockers at a Moment's Notice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Larnth · 39

Deck Breakdown


Ant-Man - Cheap blocker, not a good target to recur - but great cheap blocker with good late-game potential to stick around for a while and do some work! Perfectly serviceable target to pow-wow with.

Captain America - Tough! He's a tough guy and with only two non-Avenger allies (both of which plan to block/die the turn they're played) he should be coming in for 3-4 cost, which is very reasonable for his stat-line!

Maria Hill - You can't live in leadership without the card draw maiden herself. She's fantastic for scrum meetings and recursion - and loves to take a hit in the ol' noggin!

Nick Fury - Another excellent target to revive from the dead for value, solid blocker of course.

Squirrel Girl - If you've got a swarm of pissant minions, she's your gal! Also a solid blocker and remover of all things tough!

Stinger - Ally limit? What ally limit? An Avenger and a blockerino who is very cheap!

U.S. Agent - A blocker who can retaliate? Don't mind if I do! Throw a couple tough tokens on this guy over a few turns and the damage really starts to add up!

War Machine - Another tough Avenger to throw into the fray - once he's blocked once, he's great for hitting retaliators with his ranged attacks!


Ready for Action - In practice I used it to keep blockers alive for an additional turn or two - I was able to keep my team from taking damage for the entirety of Standard Hela (MTS) and Standard Loki (MTS) campaign scenarios! It was a joy defending with allies, defending with Black Widow, and readying with the suit, and coming back in for more!


Helicarrier - With this deck you're doing a lot of support for the group as a whole. Giving away the resource reduction from helicarrier is done more than using it for yourself. Once you're set up, you rarely need it.

Quincarrier - Used to pay off those pesky attachments the villain stacks up and to pay for big ally turns late-game.


Down Time - We'll be blocking for the team as well, occasionally, with our beefy 3 defense (after suiting up)! It'll be nice, when we need to flip down, to heal up quickly and effectively!

Target Acquired - There are some real boogie monsters in boosts these days, this helps tackle those guys.


Early Game

You want to get set up, playing down your gauntlets and whatever inexpensive preparations you can toss in - as well as a blocker or two. You'll be focused on defending your team members, throwing your allies in as tribute and defending with your identity as well.

Mid Game

You are usually set up by now, able to play a couple of preparations a turn if you have 'em in hand, and keeping allies in play for defending yourself and your team. Occasionally you'll need to flip down to get a preparation back - just ensure you're able to block for your team members with your allies. I almost never kill off my allies with consequential damage at this point - I'm focused entirely on chump-blocking villains' and big minions' attacks.

Late Game

You're generally covered in 3+ allies, some form of recursion each turn - drawing a load of cards from Fury and Hill for yourself and your team! It's in these turns that you start killing off your allies with consequential so you can proactively recur them and/or play more allies to replace them!

It's in this late-game stage that you'll proactively use allies in aiding the defeat of your villain! Because you have a good range of allies, you have a good combination of thwarters and attackers to help manage the game state throughout.