Ghost-Spider Does A Flip

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Kestrel · 1

The aim of this deck is to do as little during the Hero Phase as possible, other than setting up upgrades and using allies, instead capitalising on Ghost-Spider's Dizzying Reflexes, suite of Events, and array of Upgrades to win the game by Defending.


Ghost-Spider's events do a lot of the legwork themselves, with a few more covering some contingencies and keeping her healthy to keep Dauntless active:

• Desperate Defense - handy to keep Ghost-Spider ready to defend if another player needs a helping hand, or if you're buried in Minions.

Jump Flip - useful to keep the Villain's Scheming under control

Preemptive Strike - good in case of emergencies


These events might not shine on their own, which is where the deck's 10 different upgrades come in handy - dishing out a bit of damage (or threat removal in Hard to Ignore's case) and drawing up cards to keep yourself going. Don't underestimate how effective 5 or more upgrades triggering can be!

George Stacy is very useful to keep some cheap events on stand-by for emergencies, particularly with Nerves of Steel to cover the cost.

Other Notes

Finding new Peter Parker difficult to play? Just pull him through from Across the Spider-Verse!

I'll be reviewing this deck after playing through Sinister Motive's campaign, and I'm imagining Symbiote Suit will be a permanent additional (probably swapping out Energy Barrier).