SCL 10.3 - Wanda's Army of Fighty Chumps

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

GrrRice · 31

SCL Deck for 10.3, Wanda vs. Zola.

The threat threshold is so low that this keeps Wanda in hero form for most of the game. The steady stream of allies tries to keep the blocking high, along with playing Magic Shield. This can keep the minion swarm at bay until we can Hex Bolt and/or Molecular Decay Zola.

I gave up doing this round quickly, so I added some higher cost resource generators that may hit against Chaos Magic. For more resources, Deft Focus helps play our five Hex Bolts, and of course The Sorcerer Supreme is critical given that Wanda is trying to stay in hero mode

In this round we can add Red Skull campaign upgrades so I am using the Basic Thwart Upgrade so Wanda's activation is almost always thwarting at 3. I want to play Wanda's attack events vs. any aggression events so I only added Into the Fray and Chase Them Down to help with threat.

And at some point, despite best efforts, you WILL get overrun with minions so Laser Cannon is the tech upgrade of choice for me.

At the last minute, I added 3 copies of Sidearm since I realized that I often have allies with 2 health and no minions to attack, who end up doing nothing since Zola's retaliate will kill them. Sidearm gives those heroes one more attack and ranged to avoid the retaliate ping.