RvdH's solo Aggression Thor

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RvdH83 · 513

This is my solo Thor deck with which I beat every villain on expert.

Thor's main issue is actually not his low hand size, but his nemesis and associated side scheme. These are so extremely punishing that it is often game over when they hit the table.

That said, Thor's hand size is also an issue and he definitely struggles against Villains that throw out a low number of minions. So Klaw is usually more difficult for Thor than Ultron or Mutagen Formula.

I went with the full resource suite here. So Avengers Mansion, Helicarrier and Quincarrier. Together with both copies of God of Thunder and Asgard should give you a decent amount of resources and additional cards. Hall of Heroes is a natural include and works well if it hits the table early.

I also went with a decent number of allies. 4 of them have the Avenger trait, so Avengers Tower can help getting them into play. The Hulk pack comes with an additional 2 Avenger allies, so when that pack hits, you may want to change some cards for them. 2 copies of First Aid can keep the allies alive for another 2 turns, or yourself if that happens to be useful.

Chase Them Down is really a staple card for solo Aggression and you cannot do without. Relentless Assault is there to be able to kill off minions cheaply when they hit the table. Together with Hammer Throw you have 6 cards that have Overkill, which is really nice. Uppercut is probably not the best card in the deck, but the physical resource is useful and that 5 damage definitely can come in handy as well.

I usually go for resources early and try to keep the board under control. And if you feel you're doing well, you can chip away at the villain's health. An occasional thwart with an ally or Thor himself can sometimes save you the game, even though it can feel a bit inefficient.