Scarlet Witch Turbo Draw HEROIC ULTRON clear

Card draw simulator

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Derived from
Scarlet Witch Turbo Draw and Build HEROIC clearing 1362 1114 76 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Juegomaster · 1

I used this deck to fight againt Ultron in Heroic 1 Difficulty with the Under Attack modular set. The deck is an inspiration from the popular deck by L3w15 7. The only change I made was putting a single Chance Encounter in place of a One Way or Another. I reduced the number of OWOA since the encounter deck has very few side schemes that are manageable and I found myself sometimes not wanting to fire it off after checking the discarded encounters and realizing that only the harder side schemes were left (of no side schemes some times) Still, the card is amazing in the right circunstancies and it works wonders in conjunction with Clear the Area, Skilled Investigator and also with the new addition of Chance Encounter. This last card allows you to go get Quicksilver, which is amazing to find or get back from your discard.

I found the challenge of the encounter with Ultron is to be able to control the amount of drones in the field, since scarlet does not have a card in its kit to deal damage to multiple enemies beyond Hex Bolt. So, many times i spent her hero action or my allies in dealing with the drones, even when that meant losing some damage potencial (like dealing 2 dmg to 2 drones with quicksilver instead of hitting ultron, or dealing one damage to a drone with scarlet instead of a thwath for 2 to some scheme)

The fight was absolutly a blast to play and very tight. I needed several attempts to get used to the Heroic difficulty and I notice that with that amount of pressure from the encounter deck, its difficult sometimes to build and let some of the enemies/side Schemes to remain even for one turn, since the things snowball pretty quickly from there.

The fight went on until Ultron's main scheme had 3 accelerations counter on it, and the last two turn of the fight I decided it was time to push for damage after controling the board for so long. The board quickly went out of control with many drones and some side schemes, last turn finishing on 4 threat counters on the third phase of the main scheme. Luckily both advance encounter cards were already on the discard, so I knew I would not lose that turn. But a advanced drone put some stop on my damage count with the guard keyword on it. Last turn I manage to cycle enough cards to find a couple of Hex Bolt to deal 4 damage to the drone and then apply 13 more damage to ultron with 2 Molecular Decay (and having enough resources to pay for all that, thanks to the Chaos Magic I drew. Ultron had 11 life left.

To sum it up, the fight was increadibly tight and amazing. Took me a long time and several atemps. Under Surveillance played a big role on the second stage of the mains scheme, since only with it attached was possible for me to hold for one more turn not dealing with the board and focusing only on dealing as much damage to Ultron as possible.

The deck is powerful and fun to play. I found the Chance Encounter found me Quicksilver once on a key moment, after shuffling the deck, he was big to deal some damage, give me an extra card thats to the "Superpowered Siblings" from Wanda, and dealing with some drones. I would like to try Vigilante Training since the selection of events seems great once you thin your deck and Scarlet is able to go around her deck so fast so many times on the game.

Sorry for the typos, I will correct them later. Any comment is well received and I hope you enjoy the write up.

For more info on the deck and the deckbuilding foundations and card selection, check the writeup form the deck this ones is inspired from, which has a link in that section.