The Avengers of the Galaxy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ovalcoconut · 7

Somehow Peter was put in charge of the Avengers for the day, and he decided they needed a new name: "The Avengers of the Galaxy!"

This deck is all about getting out lots of allies, buffing them up to ridiculous levels with the likes of Laser Blaster, Sidearm, Power Gloves, Comms Implant, Inspired, and doing 8-20+ damage and/or thwart every single turn without even counting Star-Lord's superb damage output in his base 15. Star-Lord's ability What Could Go Wrong? makes getting out expensive allies super easy, and in my experience, the answer to that question isn't tooo bad.

The deck revolves around Iron Man, it wont work as good without him, and you'd better hope nothing bad happens to him. His ability of reducing the cost of each upgrade on him by one is insane. He didn't used to be good at all, as the only ally upgrade was inspired, but then Ant-Man and Wasp and a handful of others introduced a ton more ally upgrades which really gives him a chance to shine.

When fully upgraded, Iron Man has 7 hp (with Team Training, Comms Implant, and Reinforced Suit), 6 + 1 atk*, 6 thw*, ranged, and 2 actions per turn (*with Mighty Avengers, more on that later). That means that by himself, Iron Man can do 14 damage, or 12 thwart and 2 damage each turn. That's better than some heroes, and note that this is just ONE ally, there are many more in this deck.

Not only is a fully upgraded ally ridiculous, Iron Man makes playing the upgrades on him free. All you have to do is draw the card, which brings me to the card Guardians of the Galaxy. You see, with Star-Lord's ability to add the Guardian trait to each ally in play it doesn't matter if all your allies are Avengers, the card works anyway, this means every single upgrade you play on Iron Man, you draw another card, which could be another upgrade, which you play on Iron Man, which you draw a card... etc.

Ronin is also fantastic as he's slightly better than Iron Man when fully upgraded, even if he's more expensive to upgrade.

Giant-Man gets STRONG, especially since the hp upgrades make him spend forever above 2hp."

All these upgraded allies are really valuable, and it's generally unwise to just throw these guys away in a chump block so avoid doing so if you can afford it. If you have to, try and chump block when they're at 1hp and save a Rapid Response to keep Iron Man around. Try not to spend those First Aids as attacking twice each turn really hits them hard. Team Training, Reinforced Suit, and Comms Implant here save the day with the hp boosts they give, making the allies stick around for much longer.

Next the odd card that seems useless, Mighty Avengers. This card only works if each of your characters has the Avenger trait, and Star-Lord does not. This is what restricts this deck to multiplayer, you'll have to convince one of your fellow players to include a copy or two of Honorary Avenger in an Avenger Hero in order to use this card and then play it on you in game. It costs 0, so it should be a relatively easy convince. If you manage to pull it off though each of your allies are already super buff even without upgrading them, so I highly recommend it.

Avengers Tower also requires all your allies to be avengers (but not your hero) to be useful, so don't ever play Nova Prime, or if you do, kill him quickly to keep your ally cap at 4, his special thing is an entrance response as well so it's not like you need to keep him out there.

The Weaknesses
Indirect damage murders this deck, avoid it at all costs. In this deck, Star-Lord is the chump-blocker for the allies. Though this isn't too much of a problem as going into atler-ego doesn't hamper your damage output at all as it mainly comes from your allies and the added thwart can be taken back off quickly with your allies as well..

Not enough healing. This deck is magnificent to pair with a protection deck that has tons of healing to keep the allies up, otherwise you're just hoarding First Aids. Though, it's not too bad cause most villains don't seem to have enough health to outlast your allies at their peak. Fully upgraded ally - 8hp, 2 actions, 1 consequential damage, 6 + 1 atk. - 4 turns, at 14 damage per turn is 52 damage, which is smack dab in the average villain stage hp for 3 players and that's for one ally, you're trying to get out 2/3 of these out there.

No allies in your draw means you die. Well not really but it's a leadership deck, so all your cards revolve around allies and if you don't have any then you have to rely on your base 15, good thing Star-Lord's is pretty solid.

--COLLECTOR 1 SPOILERS-- Collector 1 hard-counters this deck. When an ally is defeated they go into the collection, along with all the upgrades attached to them. Iron Man usually has 5-6 upgrades on him which if suddenly 7 cards go into the collection, that's a fast way to lose the game due to the rules on The Grand Collection, if Iron Man dies, you lose. If Star-Lord dies, the other heroes can keep trying, if the ally Iron Man dies, you lose.

Card Swaps
Ant-Man - I'm not too keen on Ant-Man, you can't pay for him with Star-Lord's ability and he's not very interesting, but when there's a ton of standing ally upgrades in play he can be a very cheap 3atk/4thw + chump block to save your more useful allies. Any replacement would need to be an avenger to keep the bonus from Mighty Avengers and Avengers Tower. I had Black Knight, but the piercing wasn't needed due to Star-Lord's element guns. Captain America never got played as he'd always seem to show up too early. Really any 3-4 cost Avenger with high health would be good. U.S. Agent might be cool, haven't tried him.

Strength In Numbers - The Card draw is nice, but I'd usually much rather use the ally instead, but it's nice to have the choice there anyway. might replace it with more upgrades, or a couple Lead From the Front's

United We Stand - This is another card limited to the presence of Honorary Avenger but the healing would be amazing if things work out.

Inspiring Presence - See above.

Fiddling with the numbers on the upgrades can be done, I kept it moderately even to keep the chances of getting different upgrades for Iron Man high.

Play Testing
3-player only, mileage may vary for other game sizes, might be overpowered in solo due to all the allies, but I dunno.