That's America's @$$ (Protection)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mghouston91 · 9

Here is a Captain America Protection deck that I absolutely love to play with him. He is already a great 2-2-2 hero with 2 readies per round so he can be really efficient in Protection where he can defend and still be ready for the hero phase.
This deck really focuses around getting your upgrades out early. The Nerves of Steel is going to help you play all of your defense cards so you're not having to pay out of hand. Electrostatic Armor and Armored Vest are great to pump Cap's defense stats up and help him deal damage when defending. The Med Team can really help you stay in hero form longer, which you'll want to do so you can defend. As well as helping you keep key allies on the board. Desperate Defense is there for when you want to use your "I can do this all day" ability during the hero phase to really pile on damage or remove threat. The Honorary Avenger is meant for Black Widow to help her hang around as long as she can and cancel Encounter cards for you, as that is one thing Cap struggles to do on his own. Get Behind Me! can also help with that but is restricted to only Treacheries, which kinda blows. And you have to take an attack. All still better than Shadow of the Past! I threw in a Quincarrier but Cap has some pretty good resource generation on his own so you could cut this for something like Energy Barrier or Indomitable. Or you could also cut the 3 Get Behind Me! for 2 copies of Counter-Punch and 1 copy of Indomitable. Honestly, whatever you want to customize your deck with!

Overall, I have played this deck a bunch and have a great time with it everytime! Let me know how you liked it in the comments or what you would change about it! Thanks