Rocket Raccoon - Perfected

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Rocket Raccoon - Geo's Brew 0 0 0 1.0

MiguelCantillo3 · 12076

English / Spanish

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Although Rocket Raccoon can be fragile, the aggressive combos with this character make it unique.

Objective of the Deck and Cards:

The goal of the deck is to get the most out of minions by empowering Moment of Triumph, Relentless Assault, No Quarter, Hand Cannon , Particle Cannon and his hero ability, via Follow Through, without having to deal with minions as opposed to with Thor, meanwhile being able to deal damage to the villain, and take advantage of our tech upgrades to power up the ability on alter-ego.

Moment of Triumph and Schadenfreude will give us the necessary stamina, as will Nick Fury and his constant companion [Groot](/card /16001a), which we cannot leave behind and will protect us from excessive damage.

The allies also included Hulk making a great combo with Salvage and Hand Cannon. Salvage adds Hand Cannon to the top of our deck so Hulk can deal an ATk of 3, plus 2 additional damage. Also included Hand Cannon as well as Booster Boots when comboing with Rocket Raccoon's alter-ego ability . And lastly, Angela to block an attack, and get more out of all the aforementioned combos.

Finally, Side Holster essential in Rocket to be able to play the maximum number of restricted weapons. And Quincarrier with which to play the physical resource requirement of Relentless Assault and No Quarter.


At the beginning I included three copies of Looking for Trouble, however, in many cases it was not efficient to put some minions into play just to take advantage of these combos. Additionally, the number of copies that combo with Follow Through was reduced by three when including Looking for Trouble, which increased the chance of not being able to remove the placed minion. desk.

Into the Fray was discarded as it complements much better in Thor and does not lack intervention, although I think it can be a good option along with the rest of the cards thanks to the excess damage , however, I did not want to rule out any other.

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Aunque Rocket Raccoon pueda pecar de fragilidad, los combos en agresividad con este personajes le hacen singular.

Objetivo del Mazo y Cartas:

El objetivo del mazo es sacar el máximo provecho a los esbirros potenciando Moment of Triumph, Relentless Assault, No Quarter, Hand Cannon, Particle Cannon y su habilidad de héroe, a través de Follow Through, sin necesidad de hacer por enfrentarnos a los esbirros al contrario que con Thor, pudiendo mientras tanto realizar daño al villano, y aprovechar nuestras mejoras tecnología para potenciar la habilidad en alter-ego.

Moment of Triumph y Schadenfreude nos darán el aguante necesario, al igual que Nick Fury y su compañero inseparable Groot, que no podemos dejar atrás y nos protegerán del daño excesivo.

Entre los alidos se incluyó además a Hulk formando un estupendo combo con Salvage y Hand Cannon. Salvage añade Hand Cannon a la parte superior de nuestro mazo para que Hulk pueda realizar un ATk de 3, más 2 daños adicionales. Se incluyó, a su vez, Hand Cannon al igual que Booster Boots al combar con la habilidad en alter-ego de Rocket Raccoon. Y por último, Angela para bloquear un ataque, y sacar mayor provecho a todos los combos incialmente mencionados.

Por último, Side Holster indispensable en Rocket para poder jugar el máximo número de armas restringidas. Y Quincarrier con el cual poder jugar el requirimiento de recurso físico de Relentless Assault y No Quarter.


Al comienzo incluí tres copias de Looking for Trouble, sin embargo, en muchas ocasiones no resultaba eficiente poner en juego algunos esbirros por aprovechar únicamente estos combos. Además, el número de copias que comban con Follow Through se reducía en tres al incluir Looking for Trouble, lo cuál aumentaba la probabilidad de no poder eliminar el esbirro puesto en mesa.

Into the Fray se descartó al complementarse mucho mejor en Thor y no carecer de intervención, aunque considero que puede ser una buena opción junto al resto de cartas gracias al daño sobrante, sin embargo, tampoco quise descartar ninguna otra.


Jan 12, 2023 swordgeo · 91

I see you added Quincarrier to the deck, but it looks like Quincarrier requires you to have the Avengers in your identity, which Rocket doesn’t have on either side. Is this a mistake or is there something I’m missing? For instance I’m not seeing Honorary Avenger in the deck so how is this legal?

Dec 21, 2023 Brumdor · 1

Replace Quincarrier for Ingenuity and thats all man