Great Tough-sponibility

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

celric · 441

Is Great Responsibility actually great now?

With 8 cards that provide a tough status and 5 that heal your hero, I’m finally enjoying playing the core set card Great Responsibility.

In multihero games the card can prevent truly absurd amounts of threat and you either absorb it with a tough card or heal quickly to full with Making an Entrance or Contaminant Immunity.

It’s also worth noting that GR prevents threat instead of removing it. That keeps the strategy effective even if there is a crisis side scheme, patrol minion, or if you are confused.

…and the rest of the deck

All the allies share a trait with you, so Team-Building Exercisecontinues it’s reign as the best basic card.

In 2 hero games, 3x Muster Courage can feel like too many so feel free to cut back on that for a little more damage. The Power of Protection, Momentum Shift, Fighting Fit, Unflappable can all be good options. Med Team let’s you keep Captain Marvel healthy so that’s a strong option too.

Note that blocking is a basic power so a Captain Marvel with tough that makes a block draws you a card.

Turn the Tide can sub in for a Making an Entrance if you feel like you are always topped off for health anyway.

The deck has a lot of resources, so those can feed Blade if you don’t have other uses for them.

Hope you have fun with this one!