Thor Spirit Bomb

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Moby · 4594

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The purpose of this deck is to assemble a host of allies, draw a ton of cards with Strength In Numbers, and use multiple Band Together to unleash a massive Lightning Strike.

Everyone knows by now how broken Strength In Numbers is, and the insane amount of cards you can draw with it. Band Together is also an incredible card, and it is easy to draw multiples of them from Strength In Numbers. After drawing a ton of cards and multiple Band Together, pitch all your energy resources for a massive Lightning Strike, obliterating every minion and doing massive damage to the villain.

I went with Avenger allies so we can play Avengers Tower and get a maximum of 6 allies on the board (with The Triskelion, and Stinger). The other ally slots are rather flexible, but I like Black Panther to grab Strength in Numbers and Kaluu to grab Lightning Strike.

Band Together is a bit tricky, because it is worth zero resources at the start of the game and Thor has a pretty significant build up time (Asgard, both God of Thunders, and then the leadership Supports). But once you have 3 allies on board you will have an abundance of resources and paying for 3 cost cards becomes trivial.

Here is an example turn, once you are set up:

1) Play Strength In Numbers, exhausting 6 allies, to draw 6 cards.

2) Play Avengers Assemble! to ready your allies, and choose to either use their buffed up stats against the villain, OR exhaust them all again and draw another 6 cards with another Strength In Numbers.

3) Spend your Band Togethers, Quincarrier, God of Thunder, and any extra energy resources in hand for a massive Lightning Strike.

This is a meme deck, but it still works just because how naturally strong Leadership is, even if you have a hard time finding your lightning strikes. I wish For Asgard! could grab it, but it doesn't have the Asgard trait. Either way, this deck has so many upgrades and supports that the deck will be very thinned out. Combine that with the card draw and it should be easy finding Lightning Strike and Band Together.