Drax - Stand Together 2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

estyles · 26

This deck is meant to be played 2-handed alongside Scarlet Witch - Stand Together 1. The idea is to play against the hardest hitting villains and use Stand Together every round, sometimes twice in a round. Therefore, both decks are playing 3 copies of Stand Together and 2 copies of Assess the Situation to try to draw into it and the resources to pay for it.

Drax packs 3 copies of Hard to Ignore to try and manage threat, and 3 copies of Counter-Punch to double-up on damage. Because those cards need you to defend, and Stand Together is not a Defense, he also runs Desperate Defense as well as Side Step for those times when Stand Together isn't available or would be overkill.

Nerves of Steel, Unflappable, and The Night Nurse are played out of the Scarlet Witch deck because it's expected that she will have more card draw to get to them and more resources to pay for them. Originally she had some other support tech like Electrostatic Armor, Armored Vest, and Dauntless, but those were late cuts in order to pack in plenty of card draw to try and keep Stand Together playable as often as possible. If we can get 12 damage out of the villain's attack (preventing a hit for 8 and hitting back for 4), then the 1 more damage from Electrostatic probably doesn't matter much. Of course, that forces us to rely mostly on allies and basic attacks to manage minions, and Hard to Ignore plus hero cards to manage threat. But if the villain hits hard enough, then he shouldn't last long enough for us to have to worry about threat too much - at least, that's the hope! Ronan, here we come.

Other than that, Drax basically just gets attacked and defends for Wanda and uses his built-in kit the way that Drax does - to get big basic attacks and counter-attacks.