Uncharted Nebula

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Fernafalej · 131

Multitasking, Endurance and Crew Quarters are flexible slots.

You draw a lot of cards and see enough cards to Lethal Intent a Evasive Maneuvering enough so "Think Fast!" hardly ever got played, especially since you will most of the time have a tough status card from Unyielding Persistence. So I suplemented it with Sonic Rifle, which is great for the one or two turns you just need a confuse but are not sure if you will find one. Plus it makes your deck thinner.

Heroic Intuition is another card that can help in this deck but it is scenario dependent. Usually one more threat removed with an exhaust would not actually help much. Most sideschemes come with 2 or 3 and you can clear that with an exhaustion while having an Unyielding Persistence in play or just with Multitasking and either Wiccan or Ironheart.

One Way or Another is a center-piece of this deck. It helps you draw and find more technique upgrades and enables Turn the Tide.Together with Skilled Investigator it draws you 4 cards and you usually can get rid of the side scheme for a little more than 1 card. But it has anti-synergy with Wide Stance, since you will shuffle the encounter deck after fixing it.

Multitasking could be replaced for Clear the Area.

The allies usually either draw more cards or help with minions you were not prepared for. Especially Rocket Raccoon can stick for a couple of turn and wait for something to murder.


Nov 05, 2021 dr00 · 43644

only one sonic rifle??? /s

looks like a fun deck. one way or another is just so great. it this mainly for solo? sorry if you tagged it, can't see the tags on mobile

also how often are you flipping?

Nov 05, 2021 Fernafalej · 131

I think i tagged it as Solo

You flip about 2 out of 3 turns in total, a little less early on when blockers are easier to get and you have neither Under Surveillance nor Counterintelligence out to compensate for advance. Later you can easily flip every turn. You go through your deck extremely fast and might even wast some Evasive Maneuvering for stuns.

Dec 25, 2021 takabrash · 1

This deck isn't fair to the poor villains

Feb 28, 2022 Dan83112 · 1

Awesome deck! Any recommended updates with the new packs?