Black Widow: Spies like us (Justice)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

k0diak-360 · 46

I am still testing this deck but I have played about 10 games and shuffled cards in and out. I think it is coming together.

The high-level strategy is to stay in alt-ego as long as you can to setup big turns in hero form. Then flip down to alt-ego to avoid successive turns in hero form taking damage.

The tactics (we hope) to employ to active our alt-ego build out turns consist of cards like Counterintelligence, Covert Ops and Surveillance Team. These are not Heroic specific effects that minimize threat and threat gain. This is also assisted by the large amount of Allies we are running. I think we all agree that allies are powerful cards in this game and now are starting to see more aspects getting more choices in their card pool.

During the turns while in alt-ego you are looking to build preparation cards that will promote huge swings during your hero turn via the use of Espionageto provide economy and choices as you build or when you explode. Attacrobatics, Synth-Suit, Grappling Hook and Grappling Hook are cards you want to have in play during that hero turn.

When you explode into hero form; you want to use Dance of Death, Stealth Strike and your allies to make a huge impact. Then endure the villain phase using allies to block, defending with your suit and readying and triggering the heroic interrupt prep cards. Attacrobatics is one of my favorite cards in the game currently as it in most cases results in 5 point swing (canceling 2 boost and doing 2 back to the villain plus your heroic ability).

Things I have noted on in testing is we still lag a little on consistent threat reduction as we have less use for cards like For Justice!. I tried this card as one or two offs and it just didn't hit as you need it in your hand for your big turn. I have have been on the fence about Surveillance Team; but ultimately, I think it is a needed card for this deck as most things thwart for 2 and the inefficient use of 2 thwart to remove one threat makes me cry every time. Stealth Strike is viewed a mid-tier card; an option I share as sometime you just use it on the villain and it's added befit just isn't realized. But 4 damage is 4 damage and some of those larger minions just need to die (and hey, if that happens you get to remove 2 threat all the better).

Quick thought on mulligan, dig hard for Covert Ops as this will let you stay in alt-ego from turn one by remove threat from sides schemes that start in play. Safe House #29 is another one to look for as it represents more economy and quicker build time.

Please let me know what you think. I welcome your feedback and want to push this deck to it's limits.


Jun 11, 2020 k0diak-360 · 46

Comment of the name, I figured since a lot of our allies are spies it just fit. Also, who doesn't like a good Dan Aykroyd / Chevy Chase movie?