Adam Warlock Rainbow Leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

icarodx · 13

Since Adam has access to the best aspect cards in the game, a leadership style deck with some of the best allies and ally supports was the first archetype that came to my mind.

Boot Camp, Team Training and Med Team make allies like Bug, Tigra, Brawn and Martyr really shine.

This package is: 1) very good for damage, and 2) its cards want to stay in the board for as long as possible. This could hurt the availability of aspect cards for Battle Mage later in the game, so the Justice cards and some of the Protection cards were picked to be situational good, less permanent and expendable. This in turn balanced the need of thwarting (by discarding Justice cards) and synergized to heal key allies (by discarding Protection cards).

Impede is good for potentially removing 3 threat and being discarded for Battle Mage in the same turn. The Power of Justice is the best double resource for this deck, the other "Powers of" are not as attractive. "Welcome Aboard" helps playing the the plentiful allies we have. I decided to keep the deck size as low as possible, with only 6 cards of each aspect, but going to 41 to include both The Sorcerer Supreme and Helicarrier to help with the cost curve.

Using Battle Mage to remove threat allows Adam, and Warlock's Cape, to use Combat Training and focusing in attacking to activate Bug, Tigra and Martyr. This justifies not including Heroic Intuition.

This deck also passed on the new mystic "mill-your-own-deck" to help with consistency in the early game until both Mystic Senses and Warlock's Cape are played.

Regroup, Make the Call and Rapid Response help keep both key allies and expendable allies in play. With four expendable allies, Agent Coulson, Maria Hill, Pip the Troll and Quake, and some stuns/toughs from Iron Fist, Martyr, Pip the Troll and Tackle, We should be able to stay quite healthy. This justifies not including Armored Vest.