Ant-Man - R&R

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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NormalModeGuy · 890

Ant-man R&R

So you want to play Ant-Man whilst having all the comfort of Scott Lang being lazy in a chair watching TV? Sounds like you could use some R&R. And by that I mean Ready to Rumble. Get ready to experience a new level of Tiny-Antics on a Giant scale! This card is fantastic with Ant-Man because it allows us to ready at will. Giving us access to more Giant-Side swings or more Tiny-Side Thwarts. This really helps to double up on the effectiveness of this hero's toolkit.

What's Better Than Readying At Will? Readying When We Thwart!

With all these new options we become more versatile to ensure that there's always going to be Justice Served to all goes who dare challenge Ant-Man.

Other than that...

Giant-Size has great stats at 1/3/3. It goes without saying that you'll be staying in that mode most of the time now due to all of the new ways to ready and swing more than once into a villain.

Tenacity is there as your backup. But other than that, treat it as a resource as it's kinda.. Not great unless you're punching things at big-man.

Other honourable mentions goes to Blade as this deck is mostly physical resources.