Getting the Band Back Together

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Captain marvel leadership 0 0 0 1.0

Schmitty · 484

This is my first pass at maximizing Band Together with Captain Marvel's Energy Channel.

Though Carol has always been a powerful hero to play, I've never been drawn to her. It wasn't until I saw Band Together that I started thinking of how fun it would be to be able to pump Captain Marvel with a fully-loaded three wild energy consistently for both her Photonic Blast and her Energy Channels. The design team was really smart to put a cap(pun intended) on the newest blue resource, otherwise we'd be shooting out the most expensive allies and loading up her ECs every turn.

Your allies are there to block for you and help you set up your combo wombos. With Strength In Numbers, your inherent card draw, and Alpha Flight Station you have more than enough draw power to filter through your deck and grab more allies or supports that will help you in mid to late game. Most of your allies are cheap, so you shouldn't have trouble getting a few out quickly.

Once you have most of your deck out, you should be able to consistently load up EC with three wilds from the Band, your one Energy, and your two Energy Absorptions. Take note - you have six resources cards that will help you both build board state and store up power. You'll also be able to Avengers Assemble! if that adds up being more impactful than playing a second Strength In Numbers. Don't be surprised if you launch a fully loaded energy channel and then place a second one down with enough resources in your hand to pump that one up high enough to launch, as well.

You'll notice there aren't any ally longevity cards like Rapid Response or Team Training. That's because, much like the pop band rush of the early 2000's, your band of teammates are incredibly expendable and cheap to replace. At max you can have six allies on the board (standard + Avengers Tower + The Triskelion + Stinger), and you have nine allies to play with. Make the Call also doesn't make sense because you'll be running through your deck every other turn.

Speaking of which, get ready to feel like Adam Warlock with the amount of times you'll grab an encounter card for emptying out your draw pile.

Lastly, don't underestimate how powerful Quincarrier is in this deck. If you get it out early, it can be used for pretty much anything that requires an , including Captain Marvel's hero ability, Photonic Blast, and to keep pumping up your Energy Channel. I do not consider this to be replaceable by any means.


Sep 19, 2021 dr00 · 39917

i just played a very similar deck against Thanos. Mighty Avengers is great here too!

Sep 19, 2021 Schmitty · 484

Hey! I’d love to see your list sometime. Mighty Avengers is a cool add; I had it slotted but went in a more ally swarm route. If I were to add it in this iteration, I’d probably go -1 Call for Aid +1 Mighty Avengers.

Sep 20, 2021 dr00 · 39917

@Schmittyyeah I'll still playing through the campaign with it, but I'll post when it finishes. trying to decide between how many make the call, rapid response, and call for aid I should include or if I should just include more allies

Sep 21, 2021 Siris101 · 18

Really great deck! I just beat Red Skull with it. Love the band together card with Captain Marvel