Ever Dauntless

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Iron Man - MARK LXXXV - Santuario de Campeones 1 0 0 1.0
IronMan - protéger et servir 1 1 0 1.0

Tano Games · 3113

As soon as Dauntless was spoiled, I knew I needed to make an Iron Man deck utilizing that card. Tony is so easy to get, and stay, above his starting printed hit points, Dauntless would trigger a lot of retaliatory damage. I never really liked Protection Iron Man in the early days, because sure, the suit built faster with Energy Barrier, but the other Protection cards didn't interest me, and of course, there were many problems with the Defense rulings. Now, those are solved, and this is one of my favorite decks to play, now.

There isn't any secret, or really, anything all that profound. Build your suit, get to a maximum 20 hit points, and then take all the punches while dealing a lot of damage back to your enemies. Electrostatic Armor requires Iron Man to defend, but with Desperate Defense and Subdue, he can easily manage that and consistently deal back 2 damage per attack he defends, or 1 retaliate damage + damage from your Energy Barriers.

Solo or multiplayer works because you have a high thwarting output, with Iron Man's armor, but the new Ever Vigilant card, which is easy to pop once you have a Rocket Boot into play, especially with Quincarrier. With an Ever Vigilant, and your full armor, Iron Man can remove 9+ threat in one turn, depending on whether the Mark V Helmet catches multiple side schemes or not. Ever Vigilant is great for an extra ready effect in case you defended during the villain phase and didn't manage to ready off Desperate Defense.


Dec 13, 2021 Rocketman176 · 1

Took down The Hood on the first try with sets 1-7 as my mods. Had Mister Hyde spawn twice but managed to take him out both times and keep myself alive, with three HP at one point. Tight, close knit match but seriously fun. Had a blast. Fun deck to use and Dauntless paid itself off quite a bit.

Dec 13, 2021 Rocketman176 · 1

And that is also with Shadow of the Past coming out and Whiplash making an appearance at the end!

Dec 13, 2021 Tano Games · 3113

@Rocketman176 glad you like it and had success! I haven't play in a long while, but I should revisit this one!