Poison Panther (Protection)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Seamonster · 1

Get out as many ally, upgrade, and support cards as you can to thin your deck for multi-Wakanda Forever! plays. Poison your foes passively when they attack you, and then ready with Indomitable and use Hard to Ignore to lower threat.

Once you have Electrostatic Armor, defend as much as possible, dealing 2 damage to your attacker. Then redirect any damage taken with Energy Barriers. And don't forget about Nova; use your Quincarrier or Enhanced Reflexes once he's in the fight to do even more damage to attackers.

Store left over cards into resources with Resourceful, and use them once your deck is thinned to play more Wakandas.

Keep allies (or yourself) alive with Med Team, and use them to thwart when necessary. Keep out the worst encounter cards with Black Widow, and use Brother Voodoo to search for more Wakandas once your deck is thinned.