

Costo: 0.

Interruzione Eroe (difesa): Quando stai per subire un qualsiasi ammontare di danni, previeni X di quei danni, dove X è pari al doppio del tuo attacco.

"Sei un pazzo se pensi che mi lascerò sconfiggere da uno come te!" - Drax
Rodrigo Catraca
Drax #6. Drax #8-9.

One of the best ways to keep Drax in hero form and unexhausted during the villain phase. You still get your vengeance counter or card draw with this. Ready for an attack at the start of your turn. Of course, it's best if played with maxed attack value which can stop some of the most potent villains in the game like Ronan, Ultron Stage 3, Klaw Stage 3, Kang stage 3 with his Future Weapon. "Come at me, bro!"

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