Peter Parker



Costo: 5.
Punti Ferita: 4.
Attack: 2. Thwart: 2.

Risposta: Dopo che hai giocato Spider-Man dalla tua mano, rimuovi 3 minacce da una trama secondaria.

"Sul serio, cos'è questa fissa per New York? Che ci sarebbe di male a invadere Denver per una volta?."
L'Ascesa del Teschio Rosso #45.

A couple of notes:

  • Cost is flat while threat removal is scalable (Effective total cost could be as much as 6 cards). Which can be tricky as many heros have a hand-size of 5
  • Side scheme only, so Peter can’t save your main scheme progress
  • Cannot be paired with Overwatch because this is not a thwart
  • Avenger Trait -vs- Web Warrior Trait

Overall I think the general consensus is that this card is not very cost effective in 1-2 player games. It is a good consideration in 3-4 player games. With the addition of player side schemes, this card becomes interesting as you can play a side scheme (e.g. Build Support) and clear it off with Spider-man

SDx · 46