Rocket’s Revenge, Collector Edition

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Descrygaming · 275

Are you having trouble on expert campaign vs collector with rocket raccon? Use this deck, it will be much easier.

Preemptive strike: makes you able to safely block with groot and starhawk.

Energy barrier: keeps rocket alive and can start to grind the villain down. Also, you can use it to ignore minions by reflecting the damage onto the collector. Thus, avoiding minions going into the collection.

Side step/thruster boots: avoid damage and keep rocket alive.

Black widow ally: can control the nasty collector encounter cards without triggering them into the collection.

Night nurse: getting rid of confuse.

1 copy of momentum shift to help not having to use recover.

This deck is for expert campaign, I would invest in wing it and hyper thruster (the cards you buy from the store) when you go into the collector scenario.