Ms. Marvel Heal Tank

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Deathcombo · 14

Heal your teammates and tank/prevent damage.

I noticed I never exhaust to defend, because I would use Wiggle Room every turn and Hero response to put it back in my hand along with the draw 1 card from Wiggle Room. Therefore, I got rid of some +DEF upgrades to add more boost cancel and encounter cancel, as well as double energy.

I took out Multiple Man because I liked having Black Widow permanently out to cancel encounter cards. I also liked Red Dagger for 2 ATK or THW; I kept him alive with Med Team instead of paying for his power.

I barely get to use Bruno because I've been playing 2 player and I can't go alter ego or the threat would advance too much. If I had another player handle the main scheme, like a yellow/Justice player, I would bank Second Winds and other situational cards.

Mulligan: You want these first tier cards in play first:

  1. Avengers Mansion, Helicarrier, Unflappable, Wiggle Room, and Biokinetic Polymer Suit Once that's done, try to get these second tier cards in play:
  2. Energy Barrier, Black Widow, Med Team, Red Dagger, Nerves of Steel, Enhanced Awareness, and Electrostatic Armor

The next set up depends on if you need to do damage or thwart

  1. Play Embiggen! or Shrink or both
  2. Prioritize play Upgrades, then Supports (situationally).
  3. Try to keep Preemptive Strike or Side Step in your hand along with wiggle to prevent up to 6 damage. Keep Energy Barrier, Target Acquired, or Defensive Stance on the board for extra damage prevention if you need to prevent more than 6 damage. The idea is to take no damage every turn to trigger Unflappable and draw a card. Also using your hero response to keep Wiggle Room in your hand.
  4. Keep doing damage, thwarting, and healing until you win.