Captain Marvel Aggressive Energy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

greytemplar · 1

Super Aggro Captain Marvel doing what she does best, BIG Damage. Every turn you're guaranteed to be able to draw more cards, throw out big damaging attacks, and wipe the board of threats. You have 18 producing cards, so ~ 1/2 your deck activates Captain Marvel's Rechannel, Empowers Photonic Blast , or can be channeled into Energy Channel, which enable your big swings.

This deck suffers from having few options to thwart, but she excels at dealing with the Villain before that final stage, so thwarting is secondary in a solo game. In a multiplayer game she can focus on just blasting the villain and board while other players can keep threat low if needed.